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Cycling Carbohydrate Burn Calculator for Optimal Performance

Improve Your Cycling Endurance with  Power Based Carbohydrate Burn Estimates

Sufficiently Fuel Your Ride 

Understanding how many carbohydrates you are burning during your ride is crucial for maintaining energy levels and sustaining your effort throughout the session. By using this calculator, you can estimate your carbohydrate needs before the ride, ensuring you consume enough to keep your performance strong from start to finish. Proper fuelling during your ride helps you avoid fatigue and maintain your pace.

Be Ready For Tomorrow

Recovery is key to staying fresh and ready for your next session. After your ride, use this calculator to determine how many carbohydrates you have burned and how much you need to replenish. By accurately refueling, you can restore your glycogen stores, promote muscle recovery, and ensure that you're fully prepared to perform at your best in tomorrow's ride. Proper post-ride nutrition sets you up for continued progress and sustained performance.

This is a rough guide and shouldn't be taken as dietary advice. See Below For Limitations.


There are limitations to this calculator and it only gives strong estimates.

  • There are many complex processes that occur in your body, and the requirements vary for each individual.

  • This calculator assumes a constant power output and does not account for power spikes or freewheeling.

  • A power meter is required, without it, power estimates can be very inaccurate.

  • Temperature can affect calorie burn.

  • The calculator assumes your body is not depleted of carbohydrates and that you are relatively fresh.

  • The age calculation is an average estimate, and individual differences should be considered.

  • It assumes you have an up-to-date threshold power.

  • For an accurate measure of your metabolism, a lab test is recommended.

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