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What's Involved? 
Swim Coaching and Video Analysis

 During a 1:1 technique session we will be able to pick up any inefficiencies within 50m of swimming.

A video analysis session will require at least 6 lengths of swimming to include all the angles needed. 

See below a full breakdown of the sessions.

1:1 Technique Sessions

After an introduction from your coach, you will be asked to swim 50m continuously. Within this time your coach can make a quick analysis of your stroke and give you feedback.


Typically the flaw that will make the biggest improvement will be first discussed including what is happening currently, why it could be better and cues on how to change it. 

Female swimmer doing front crawl breathing to the side
Male swimmer in a wet suit running out of the water

1:1 Technique Session Takeaways

Throughout the session, your coach will focus on improving the biggest flaw(s) in your stroke but towards the end of the session, without overloading you, they will give you extra information on your stroke that you can take away and focus on during your swim training in the future.

Swimming Video Analysis

Video analysis is a mix of angles of you swimming both above and below water. You will be recorded from the side, front, above and diagonally in front.

This ensures we have all the necessary angle of your stroke to get a good picture of your stroke efficiency.

If you also tumble turn or dive, these can also be recorded and analysed.

Swimmer kicking under the water
Triathlete getting out of the water

Swimming Video Analysis Takeaways

After the session we will sit down and together analyse your stroke technique. Discussing the strengths and weaknesses along with long term improvements and how they can be made.

In the following days your coach will do a full technical analysis and you will receive your videos and the feedback for them.

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